Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month

Getting ready for a month of literary abandon and writing frenzy! National Novel Writing Month, known affectionally at NaNoWriMo.  This will be my 5th year to participate and last year I won the event with 66,000 words on the novel Ice Man. Wanda Huffman and I did this together. I wouldn't have made it without her help! This year Trace and I are working on a YA novel, The Son's of Liberty. This will hopefully become a series and doing the research has been amazing!

Whitewashed Tombs is currently undergoing some tweaking and the synopsis needs rewriting. I worked on it tonight and need to get it ready to email to the faithwriter's contest for publication by Thursday at the latest. I am 15 chapters into it and still have an outline to follow.

Friday, October 21, 2011

New Book Info

got a questionaire today from Tate Publishing about my book. It is going to Conceptual Editing (I'm not sure I even got that right) basically illustration. I have to answer the questions about the book and then they will be contacting me in two weeks. I am so excited.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Early Alexander Graham Cracker Sketches

These are early sketches of how I wanted Alexander to look. (except for the one of Jacob) I do not know where my scene sketches are! Evidently I put them in a "safe" place and now I can't find them. When my kids were little, I always hid scissors from them and then "forgot" where they were. You know, safe place.  When we finally moved, I found 15 pairs of scissors. So somewhere in this little tiny house I have placed my scene sketches. When if finally find them, I'll post them!

what germs?

Not part of the book, sketch of Jacob done 10 years ago next month!

I'm going to the moon!

beginning sketches
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Meet Alexander Graham Cracker!

this picture gave me the idea of going to the moon1

My daughter Kathryn and Alex

geting ready to go to the moon in his rocket
jammies and his Monkey from MomMo's Monkey Emporium

Alex in his Official "Goin' to the Moon" Jammies
I would like for you to meet the inspiration for the story Alexander Graham Cracker Goes to the Moon. His name is Robert Alexander Davies and he is my 3 yr old grandson. When he was little I would rock him and sing songs and call him Alexander Graham Cracker. He and I share the same birthday! Wasn't that nice of my daughter? This year we were able to celebrate our birthdays together. Please check the illustration page and you can see the early illustrations I did on this book and how I drew Alex.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The party we had when I signed the contract from Tate Publishing. All the kids were there and my friends Wanda and Willie and even some grandkids. We had a great time, ate too much, had wine, and a great time.

Alexander Graham Cracker Goes to the Moon

If you have followed me on facebook you are aware that I have a children's picture book accepted for publication this summer. The book won't officially be out until summer 2012, but there is lots to do in the meantime to get ready. I won't be the illustrator for this book, Tate Publishing hires their own in house illustrators. That's ok, I do get to meet with the illustrator and share with him/her my vision for the book. After all, it is a picture book and a picture IS worth a thousand words!!! The title of my little book is Alexander Graham Cracker Goes to the Moon. In a future post I will share pictures and the story behind the story. Follow me, I promise you won't be bored!  <3

First Post

Welcome to my author/writer/illustrator web page and blog. Here you can follow projects I'm working on, the weird muses that fall out of my brain, wonderful watercolor washes of imagination. This is a site where we love words, the way they look and feel when you say them. This is a site where we will color outside the lines and think like a child again with wonder and magic. Join me as we plunge down the rabbit hole with Alice and experience everything we possibly can.